Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 9 Exam 3

Module 9 Exam 3

Q 1 2 / 2 points According to the idea of ironic conformity, in what way are most nonconformists still conformists? 2 2 / 2 points Dorene is an A student who is very concerned with keeping up her GPA. She hates group projects because she ends up doing most of the work, while other students contribute little. Dorene is frustrated about what? 3 2 / 2 points Which person is likely to be most committed to the group? 4 2 / 2 points Shay enjoys speeding around in her car, but dislikes the pollution that it causes. What best describes these feelings about her car? 5 2 / 2 points Feeling that snails taste disgusting is an example of (fill in the blank).

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1 Nonconformists conform to the rules of their nonconforming subgroup. 2 social loafing